About Us

About Us

Thumbs of Green LandscapingA small and socially conscious landscaping company located out of Denmark, WI employs
6 full-time,
5 part-time
28 seasonal workers.Thumbs of Green is growing and has expanded  and  recognizes the need to support our employee’s well-being.
Full time and part time staff are male and female mix with an average age of 40.
Seasonal staff is mostly male with an average age of 26.
Challenges:Seasonally they see a lot of musculoskeletal injures and lost workdays due to those injuries. Many of their seasonalemployees struggle to pay bills in the off-season or find other work. Due to the small number of employees thecompany currently does not provide insurance. Many of their part-time and seasonal employees go without medicalinsurance and visit the hospital only in emergency situations. Assess the employee and company needs and developawareness and practices or activities that meet the needs of the company for improved employee well-being.Marketing Team: Cheryl, Madison, Derrek and Paige
Marketing Plan
Vision and Mission Statement
Marketing Strategy
Results and Summary:
Time Sheets
Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan & Strategy

Thumbs of Green Landscaping

Maddy Executive Summary:

Thumbs of Green Landscaping company has a target market of men ages 35-45 who are working in the landscaping company. The employees at Thumbs of Green do not have health coverage provided by their employer which causes conflict for some employees. They need knowledge of health care alternative options. The employees work long laborious hours, lifting heavy objects and performing manual labor much of the day.  They need education on proper form and stretches to reduce the risk of injury. The employees work with dangerous tools and need to follow guidelines and wear PPE. As a marketing team, our goal is to use technology to reach our employees to get our message out. Our message is to teach employees about common injuries in landscaping, show stretches and proper form when lifting heavy objects to prevent injury within the employee population, and offer health insurance alternatives, and practice proper PPE practices. We plan on using a variety of social media including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tik Tok to get our content to the employees. We will also have information on our Blog and Website. To check if our efforts are helpful to employees, we will measure the interactions of social media posts, and look at injury reports from last year and this year to see if numbers go down, up or stay the same. We will also use a survey on employee knowledge. We will each track our time spent on individual projects in order to keep a complete log of the project. 

Maddy Market Analysis: 

Target Market - Men working in the landscaping industry ages 35-45.

  • The team at Thumbs of Green Landscaping is composed of 6 full-time, 5 part-time, and 28 seasonal workers for a total of 39 employees. According to Data USA, in 2021 the landscaper population was made up of 7% women and 93% men, which means Thumbs of Green has 2 women and 37 men employed. The average age of landscapers is 41.


  • The employees at Thumbs of Green do not have health coverage provided by their employer which causes conflict for some employees. They need knowledge of health care alternative options. 
  • The employees work long laborious hours, lifting heavy objects and performing manual labor much of the day.  They need education on proper form and stretches to reduce the risk of injury. 
  • The employees work with dangerous tools and need to follow guidelines and wear PPE. 

Derrek Reach/Impact: What metrics will you use to assess reach and success? 

Look at interactions with social media posts, also look at injury numbers from last year and next year to see if numbers go down. Could also do a survey on employee knowledge.

Derrek Expense Budget: Track expenses such as monetary, resources used, and time. Be able to report your total time input for each effort.

Vision and Mission Statement

Mission Statement: As a marketing team at Thumbs of Green we are set out to provide our employees with the most up-to-date information about how to stay safe and healthy while working int he landscaping industry. 

Vision Statement: To provide accessible and digestible information via our social media, blog, podcast and website. 

Marketing Strategy

Maddy Marketing Strategy: 


  • Use technology to reach our employees to get our message out. 


  • Teach employees about common musculoskeletal injuries in landscaping
  • Show stretches and proper form when lifting heavy objects to prevent injury within the employee population
  • Offer health insurance alternatives, and practice proper PPE practices. 

Paige What media will you use to reach your target market? List all the digital/social media you will use. Be as specific as possible. Create an Excel template listing your social and digital media content, release dates, success measures, and content creation time. 

Social Media 
Apps  Content TimelineRelease DateSuccess Measures 




Tik Tok

Extra links 




-First Post

Difference in dynamic definition and examples 

-Second Post

static stretching definitions and examples

-Third Post Do’s and don’ts for lifting

-Fourth Post

Linking Website and sharing parts of blog post 

-Everyday Additional posts promote websites, podcasts, videos, blogs etc.  

Start creation of posts - need about 45 minutes for  each post 

Publish the following day


start post at 3 - Finalize at 3:45 

Post following day  

-Post once every day switching up the content posted on each “app” 

-Each day will have a different kind of content delivery message, posts, stories etc. 

-How was the engagement between each app?

-Which ones were responded to the most? 

  • Thumbs of Green Landscaping
    • All post will be circulating with each other
    • Stories with informational pictures and content
    •  Blog info can be reposted in post
    • Post will be every day switching up the type of content posted,  
      • Instagram and facebook stories, actual posts, easy stretching tips etc. 
      • Promotions for the podcasts, video, blogs, and website 
  • 4 social media posts
    • Talk about proper form
      • Most improper techniques that happen
    • Stretching and prevention of injury
      • Static stretching
      • Dynamic stretching
    • Promote podcast, and video and website
    •  Health insurance stuff




  • Small Business - Meaning that the employer has the ability to build a rapport with employees.
  • The Employer cares about the health and well being of their employees.
  • Cost Effective
  • Does not have to offer insurance
  • Decision Making is informed
  • Ability to utilize tools and resources
  • Socially Conscious Company


  • Alot of injuries within company:Primarily musculoskeletal injuries
  • Lack of employees : particularly part time and full time
  • Most employees are seasonal - hard to build a rapport 
  • Lack of insurance employees hold 
  • A Lot of missed work within company
  • Limitations and lack of leadership


  • Company is growing and can add more employees.
  •  As a company expands more capital it grows.
  • More budget means TOGL  can offer more tools and resources to its employees
  • Ability to offer more full time/ part time positions
  • Social networking is growing 
  • Increasing demand for seasonal work


  • Multiple landscaping service in denmark area
  • Location of Denmark is near Green bay which also has landscaping services.
  • Other companies can offer insurance and wellness plans
  • Budget is small
Results and Summary:

everything came together with each member working hard on their during the campaign.

Communication and not working together on the projects may have not left the same message form network to network


Time Sheets


  • Video 
    • Derrek 3 hours 45 mins 
    • Cheryl 1 hour
    • Paige 1 hour 45 mins
    • Maddy 1 hour 45 mins 

    Blog posts 

    • Maddy 5 hours 

Marketing Plan 

  • Maddy 1 hour 
  • Derrek 30 mins
  • Paige 1 hour 
  • Cheryl 1 hour

Social Media 

  • Paige 6 hours 



    • Maddy 30 minutes 
    • Derrek
    • Paige 
    • Cheryl  30 mins


    • Cheryl 10 hrs

Podcast #1

  • Maddy 1 hour 30 minutes 
  • Derrek 20 minutes
  • Paige 1 hour 25 minutes 
  • Cheryl 45 mins


Podcast #2 

    • Maddy 2 hours 30 min
    • Paige 1 hour 35 minutes
    • Derrek
    • Cheryl 1 hour